Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

Time Duration Purpose Format Name
9:00 40 Activate Discussion Sketch Review
9:40 10 Engage Discussion Warm-up Discussion
9:50 10 Study Lecture Chapter Review
10:00 10 Break Break Break
10:10 25 Activate Activity Markov Chains
10:35 25 Activate Activity Context-Free Grammars
11:00 30 Activate Activity Fizz Buzz Challenge
11:30 0 Q + A
11:30 5 Study Util Next Week

Sketch Review

<aside> 🧟 1) Discuss your question. 2) Look for related sketches from the past week. 3) Answer your question using a related sketch to illustrate your points. 4) Add your key points and a link to your selected sketch below. 5) Share your screen to present and discuss your question, answer, and related sketch.


  1. [Group 1 ]Choose a project you like, but don't know how it was made. Describe what you see.
    1. Olivier’s dither sketch

      Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 9.11.42 AM.png

Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 9.10.04 AM.png

Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 9.09.56 AM.png

  1. Look for related sketches from the past week.

Shayla → Turtle

Olivier → Pixel

Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 6.12.10 AM.png

  1. Group 3 How can rhythm be used in time and space in animation?

    1. having a structure (start, middle, end)
    2. repetition === rhythm
    3. position for highlighting different aspects
    4. timing
    5. static rhythm vs dynamic rhythm







  2. (Group 4) Choose a sketch with a clear beginning, middle, and end.

    1. Tong’s Comp Form bumper

      Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 9.09.47 AM.png

      Olivier’s bumper

      Screen Shot 2022-04-05 at 9.12.08 AM.png