<aside> 🧟 Put your two questions here. Please include your name.


  1. While I think I generally understand the idea, could you provide more examples of method-oriented parameters vs goal-oriented parameters, as I’m not sure I fully grasp the difference yet? (Chris Kim)

hmm, i'm having trouble coming up with clear examples right now. we'll have an exercise in class that i think will help clarify

  1. Other than a preview of the output, what are other ways we can provide intermediate feedback to the user? (Chris Kim)

If you can do the full work very quickly, returning the finished result immediately is usually the best feedback. If that would take too long, a low-fi preview is a good option. If that would take too long, perhaps a very lof-fi version or some immediately calculable info. If not that, at least acknwoledge the input with UI state (e.g. loading spinners, loading bars, graying the input, and sounds)

  1. Since this chapter delves into Tweakpane library, are there any other advantages of using Tweakpane over setting up a parameter panel through p5 DOM or are they both relatively the same in terms of accessibility? (John Kim)

the main benefit is that you can set up a simple interface very quickly with tweakpane

its also a little more "removed" from your p5 code. meaning there is a fairly clear line between your sketch and the widget for setting parameters

i haven't really looked at the end-user accessibility of of Tweakpane as that is usually out of the scope of what you can do in a sketch

  1. When making projects that give the user access through a UI, how do we as artists determine the boundaries of what the user can access? Is this question more subjective and determined on a case-by-case basis? (John Kim)
this is a key design question in any interface design effort.

not just "what should the user be able to do?"
also "what shouldn't the user be able to do?"
also you might ask "what should we encourage/discourage the user to do?"

How far does HTML interfaces go? Usually i see very minimal options being displayed and that is probably the creators idea but how far exactly does it go? ( Beyond, colors, values, etc ( Sora Wong)

You can create interfaces as complex as you would like with HTML/CSS/JS. there isn't really a limit.

In order to avoid “sameymness”, are there any best practices when you go about selecting/identifying what parameters to expose? Or, do you figure this out through trial and error? In general, should you aim to include both process-oriented and goal-oriented parameters? (Brian Lau)

selecting what parameters to expose is a _design problem_
all the tools that you use in design _anything_ are relevant here. Experience, rearch, user interviews, prototyping, iteration, etc.

The design process is often "fractal" like this. You are designing a big thing and each part of that thing is also designed. 

Off topic but... the process that you use to design it is also to some degree designed! You might need to prototype and iterate on your user testing methods, for example!