<aside> 🧟 Put your two questions here. Please include your [name.](<http://name.Is>)


  1. Do pixels only draw color data from Red, Green, Blue or could pixels draw from other color models like CMYK or HSL/HSB? (John Kim)

pixels *could* be drawn in other colors. i grew up with monochrome colors that were ruby and amber and blue-green. you could in theory make a multicolor display using colors other than rgb, but....

the reason color displays are RGB is because OUR EYES have red, green, and blue sensors, so RGB is able to provide a range of colors that closely matches what we can see

  1. For using the functions get()/set() and getQuick()/setQuick(), is there a difference between using either of these sets of functions, or is it a matter of preference regarding how the pixel values are interpreted? (John Kim)

getQuick and setQuick are much much faster. they do basically the same thing, but getQuick and setQuick have less built in safeties so you need to be a little more careful when you use them

(1) As stated in the text, using get() and set() is easier, but using the pixels[] array is faster. While working with the array can run hundreds of times faster, this probably doesn’t matter too much for simpler projects? Would you work with get()/set() for a quick project? When it comes to real-life applications, do you consider a code complexity/size “threshold” before deciding to work with the pixels[] array? (Brian Lau)

Usually its best to use the built in, normal path first and only switch to "optimized" paths if you really have a performance problem. In practice get()/set() will run you into performance problems very quickly, even on simple projects working with modest sized images.

(2) When you use a preexisting (possibly copyrighted and/or famous) image as an input (for example, the earth image in the textbook), how much manipulation is “required” before you can claim to be the sole creator of the new artwork? Or, is it always necessary to reference and/or give credit to the original artist? This is contentious and I wonder if you feel that working in the digital space complicates or actually simplifies this topic. (Brian Lau)

this is a very important topic for most people working in a creative field. it is also too big of a topic to cover in an answer here. there are legal, ethical, and creative concerns here and they often don't line up. please bring this up if we have time for Q + A this week, and I'll try to mention some of the key points, but this question is complex and out of the scope of the class.

1.) You mentioned we could incorporate dithering for Pixel Week. So what exactly is the process for dithering and how might it be implemented? (Alex Silva)



I'm going to give a short answer, and then link to long one.

There are multiple algos for dithering, that produce different results.