How do I get the library?

You can download the file attached in the latest release. This zip file contains the built version of the library and the official examples.

You can also link to the built library using a CDN. + version+/dist/

For example, here is a url to a specific older version:[email protected]/dist/

For another example, here is a url that always points to the latest release:

If you need the source files of the library, you can clone the repo on Github.

Can I make a real-time fast-action game?

Fast-action multiplayer games are inherently complex. Compensating for network latency requires prediction and reconciliation strategies which are somewhat application specific and outside the scope of That said, depending on your specific game requirements you might be able to get a prototype running to test out early ideas.

What other libraries is this compatible with? was built with p5.js in mind, but you don't necessarily need to use with p5.js. You can try using the Connection, Room, and Record classes directly and use them with any javascript library you like.

Can I remove or insert a value in the middle of an array?

Yes. You can use splice on an array property of a shared object. Just a note, treats the operation as replacing the entire array with a new one and will send the entire array's data over the wire to sync.