1: Noise Week, Minecraft-ish Terrain

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Link: https://editor.p5js.org/b3aribeiro/full/HzIJ8L-Pr

Why? Noise was one of the themes I enjoyed the most and it has allowed me to comprehend concepts of which I was completely ignorant before. This sketch gave me a “Minecraft” vibe and it was super fun to make it work. I started with 2D Terrain and decided to make it 3D.

2: Random Week, Taeuber-Arp


Link: https://editor.p5js.org/b3aribeiro/full/IJDASxXA9

Why? This is not even a complex sketch but it was fun to do it and the final result has evoked multiple reflections: (1) the potential of coding, (2) how much I wanted to become proficient in coding, (3) how few aesthetic references I had and what should I do to improve it, (4) how something silly and random can be so pleasing

3: Strategies Week, Perception Tricks


Link: https://editor.p5js.org/b3aribeiro/full/n0vqqySLs

Why? Idk. I just like to look at it. It is pleasing to look at, it is fun to tweak the code to try new patterns and the perception trick gets me every time.

4: Noise Week, Joy Division


Link: https://editor.p5js.org/b3aribeiro/full/Re3WM-fI8

Why? I have a love and hate situation w/ this sketch. Hate because this was the most difficult noise study I did. I don’t even know how many forums and videos I had to read/watch to reach the final version and (1) it wasn't exactly like I thought - I had to improvise and (2) I don’t think I understood. The love part is because it is a cool sketch and I kept listening to Unkown Pleasures on repeat :)