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Justin Bakse
Jason Li
I'll keep the zoom open for anyone who wants to hang back and ask questions. But really, the best way to 'stay late' is to take a few minutes after each class to make notes about what happened in class and what topics you want to explore in your sketches.
You use any coding tools and languages you want. Most of the time, we will use javascript and p5 in class, but we'll look at a few other languages and compare them along the way.
Don't let me work in compute shadersYou almost dared ask.
Joe Chung
From past semesters' sketchbooks, other programming platforms are allowed. What are the guidelines for using other platforms? In short: you can use whatever you want, even paint.
Long answer Monday
How different must each sketch be? I'll answer this Monday
Are previous years' student created tutorials available, and if so where can we access them?
May Zhou